All posts by: Ckkadrell

Though Life is indeed hard, each of us must learn to look beyond our personal struggles, so we never lose sight of the “iNNATE & UNDENIABLE BEAUTY” of the WORLD and LIFE in general. It is this daily struggle to...
Although the Grand STRGgL is indeed a universal STRGgL, each of us has the ability as well as a personal responsibility to thoroughly examine ourselves in terms of examining our perceived “Wants” and measuring them against our clearly understood “Real...
Often lost in the pressure and the madness of this “Grand STRGgL” we find ourselves living in, is the fact that in order for us to survive or even attempt to overcome our personal struggles, our actions/behaviors and decisions often...
Although history has taught us that “HUMAN BEiNGS” should divide ourselves into (Various Factions), or more bluntly (Waring Factions), the reality is we all represent a “singular” aspect of a “UNiTED COMMUNiTY”. This community is know as “HUMANiTY”. And ultimately...
Above all things, “HUMANiTY” must come to a collective understanding that we must “EVOLVE” beyond the petty social Bickerings (plural) which have defined “HUMAN EXiSiSTENCE throughout these past centuries. Our shallow battles over past histories, differing ideologies (be them scientific...